Wednesday, December 24, 2008

'Twas the night before Christmas....

I don't know where this year has gone. One week left of 2008. The thought fills me with huge regret -- so many things I had planned to do this year! -- and also excitement at the prospect of being able to re-design my life, now that my eight years in Dissertation Hell are complete.

Christmas, for me, is more than either a religious holiday or a secular buying spree. Like Thanksgiving, it's a time to pause in gratitude for the moments of grace I've been granted throughout the year, and to be aware of my gratitude for this life in all its Divine moments. That's something I'm conscious of far too seldom.

Life is one "perfect moment" after another, if only I can be present and conscious. This Christmas, my gift to myself and to those whose lives touch mine is a commitment to be present to each moment. I will try to be more a witness and less a critic. I will try to be grateful for each opportunity that presents itself, and to be more loving and compassionate toward myself and others.

Most of all, beginning this moment right now, I will try to be aware, at all times, of the voice of the Divine as it whispers in my ear. This life is about more than my ego, after all, though that's certainly important. But if all I listen to is my ego and its myriad desires, then I will surely miss out on the Higher Purpose of my life.

Well, that's what I'm aiming for. But right this moment, there's breakfast to be made, cats to be fed, chores to be done. Perfect moments....

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

At Last!!!

Wow--it's real! The spiral-bound copies of the dissertation are here; the hard-bound copy will arrive after the first of the year.

The boxes were on my porch Friday as I was walking out the door on my way to a dance. At first I didn't know what they were, and nearly left them in the foyer, unopened. But I happened to notice the return address. What a strange and wonderful feeling to hold the final product in my hands!

I took one with me to the dance to show it to friends. As I stepped off the porch, the full moon greeted me. It felt like a benediction.