Never thought I'd live to see the day, but I presented ("defended") my dissertation on Saturday out in Carpinteria, at the main campus, and the audience (my lovely friend Leah and a good part of Robert Romanyshyn's clinical program students) loved it!
I had such a good time with it. My nineteenth-century imaginal collaborator Ellen Janney introduced the work, then Robert introduced me (and said glowing things about it!), then I took over. That part took about half an hour, and then we had quite a lively discussion with lots of questions for another half an hour. It was such a blast!
This process has been exhilarating and exhausting. I've been asleep most of the time since I returned home on Sunday (when I wasn't calling a dance) and am headed back to bed now. When I wake up, I'll post more.
Thanks to all my friends who saw me through this process, and whose encouragement and support were so important to me. I love you all!